Family and Student Resource Center

The Bluford Charter School Family & Scholar Resource Center (FSRC) is a school based student/parent/community hub to provide integrated and accessible services to scholars and their families.

The FSRC focuses on parent involvement and community engagement. The FRSC engages the parents and community by holding monthly meetings, school events, coat and holiday food drives. The FSRC host movie nights, parent nutrition and cooking classes, housing and weatherization seminars, parenting classes, and much more.

Scholars (and their families) in need of support and resources are the FSRC’s main focus. If you have a child in need of anything relative to school attendance, academic progress, hygiene, clothing, or anything you they may physically lack (shoes, coat, bookbag, etc.) please send an official referral to

FRSC Staff:
Noelle Torres
Nola Martin
Crystal Lewis
Marva Carter

1st Floor opposite the Cafeteria, Room phone: ext. 400
You may also find a member from the climate team to walkie us for emergency situations.

The FSRC Can Help

Student/Family needs:

  • Uniforms, shoes, a coat, bookbag, school supplies, etc.
  • If a scholar expresses that they are homeless/staying house-to-house
  • If a scholar or parent expresses a hardship in the household

NOTE: All home visits requested MUST be approved by Dr. Ruffin, Ms. Hollenbach or Ms. Booker


If a scholar is consecutively absent:

  •  3 times, the parent will be contacted via phone, email or Class Dojo to check-in with the parent. 
  • Conversations are recorded in a Parent Log. If a scholar is absent 6 days in a row,  an official FSRC referral will be submitted so we can take next steps.

Preliminary truancy hearings (SAIP Meetings) are held at the school, however if there is no improvement following the hearing, the Scholar will be referred to Philadelphia Truancy Court.

NOTE: FSRC Staff and the Office Team (Ms. Jordan and Ms. Williams) work hand-in-hand to address attendance issues, however,  please remember that the teacher is always the first line of contact.